How To Effectively Get Rid Of Ants

How to Effectively Get Rid of Ants Ants can be a pesky problem in any home, but effectively getting rid of ants doesn’t have to be a difficult task. Follow these tips to eliminate an ant infestation and prevent future problems effectively. Identify the Type of Ant Before you can get rid of ants, it’s […]

Are Mice and Rats Related?

Mice and Rats

Are Mice and Rats Related? Rats and mice can easily be confused with one another. After all, they have a lot of similarities. More often than not, people try to tell them apart based on their size alone. If one sees a tiny rodent with a long tail, one will label it as a mouse. […]

How Long After Pest Control Do Bugs Die?

How Long After Pest Control Do Bugs Die

How Long After Pest Control Do Bugs Die? Pest control services are highly effective ways to rid your home and offices of infestation from various bugs and critters. If you have yet to outsource a company for the first time, it is understandable to have a few questions in mind. One of the most common […]

How Do Bed Bugs Get In Your Home?

How Do Bed Bugs Get In Your Home

How Do Bed Bugs Get In Your Home? Bed bugs are common, oval-shaped brown pests ranging from five to seven millimeters in length – about as tiny as an apple seed! They are most known for their bites that lead to red and itchy bumps on the surface of your skin. In more extreme cases, […]

How Do I Get Rid of Pantry Pests?

Pantry Pests FAQs What Are These Bugs in My Pantry? While Pantry Pests are not uncommon, it can be quite a shock for someone who has never experienced it before. Here are some of the more common questions surrounding Pantry Pests. Typically the first things we hear are – “What are these little bugs in […]

Insects and Storage Units

Storage Unit

Insects and Storage Units If you have a storage unit, it could be a hotbed for bug infestation. Insects like the dark, the cold (or the heat, depending on the season), and the dankness of materials like cardboard are drawn to spaces like storage units. Plenty of storage renters have been horrified to find infestations […]

Your Local Austin Pest Control Company

Your Local Austin Pest Control Company Austin – Round Rock – Cedar Park – Leander – Georgetown And Surrounding Areas How Much Does Pest Control Cost in Austin? Depending on the service provided, the price can vary. Let’s dive into some of the services BUGCO® Pest Control provides in the Austin, TX, area.  General Pest […]

Nope Rope? Sneks? Danger Noodle?

Nope Ropes, Sneks, & Danger NoodlesAlso Known As Snakes! BUGCO® has seen a larger-than-normal influx of questions centered around snake control recently, so today, we are going to answer some of the most common questions. Here are a few examples Can you treat for snakes? Where do snakes live in Texas? Can you apply snake […]

Brown Recluse Spiders

Brown Recluse Spider

Brown Recluse Spiders While several kinds of spiders live in and around homes and structures here in Texas, most are not dangerous; in fact, many are helpful because they feed upon other nuisance insects, like mosquitos, flies, and other insects pests. But what about the infamous and potentially dangerous Brown Recluse, also known as the […]

Why Pest Control is Important

picking up a roach

Why Pest Control Is Important We have all seen the various pests that would like to think your home is their own. They may be insect pests, venomous reptiles, or the occasional fuzzy little rat that is carrying more than a big hunk of cheese through your house. Rats could also be harboring dangerous diseases. […]