Can Pet Birds Get Fleas?
We have recently heard this question asked by a few customers. Generally, the answer is no – but there are exceptions. For example, bird owners may become concerned when they see their pets scratching, especially if there have been fleas elsewhere in the home.
Here is our best assessment, without knowing the specifics of any given situation: Birds get itches from time to time, like any animal. If there is any problem present, it is more likely to be a parasite than a flea infestation. Birds get microscopic mites and even lice on them at times, for example. A pest control service does not address these kinds of problems; you will need to take the bird to a vet who can administer a mite or lice treatment.
However, there are some rare cases where pet parrots, conures, macaws, and other hook-bill birds do get fleas. Usually, those cases involve the bird being allowed to walk on the floor when there are already fleas in the home – or where the birds are allowed outside in a flea-infested yard. Since bird owners may be more likely to let their birds sit in cages outside during the warm summer months, we wanted to make you aware of this possibility now.
Before you move your bird outdoors, even for short periods, make sure you don’t have a flea problem first. If you are noticing any fleas or flea bites on yourself, your family members, or your dogs and cats, that is the best indication that fleas are present. As for letting the bird walk on the floor, it’s not advisable. The floor is full of germs that your pet doesn’t need, and your bird is probably more susceptible to germs than your dogs and cats.
If you have noticed fleas on any of your pets (or people!), then you probably have a flea infestation in your home. Call BUGCO® to inquire about a free Houston pest control evaluation.