Formosan Termites
Are Taking Over Texas

What are Formosan Termites?
Formosan termites are considered to be one of the most aggressive and devastating termite species in America. Formosan colonies are much larger than others termites species. This allows them to attack a greater variety of wood much faster than other species. Then there are their reproductive capabilities —a typical colony can exceed one million termites or 10 times the size of Native Subterranean Termites. Long story short, they’re every business and home owner’s worst nightmare. Here’s what you need to know about them.
Termites, Lumber Prices, and the Texas Housing Market
With the increase of people moving to Texas from various places across the United States, there are more structures being built in record numbers which equates to more food for Formosan Termites. Add to that the price of lumber being so expensive. So what do we have? Aggressive termites with large colonies appearing in record numbers in Texas + lumber at all-time high prices + 1000,000s of people moving to Texas every year = A Formosan Termite Nightmare!
Where Did They Come From?
It is believed that Formosan termites were transported to the Houston Ship Channel in wooden shoring timbers from China but were named after The Republic of Formosa, a short-lived republic that existed on the island of Taiwan. Formosan Termites are considered one of the most economically devastating termite species in America despite the fact that they are limited to just a few of the Southeastern states and Southern California.
The first infestations of Formosan termites in Texas were discovered in 1956 around the Houston Ship Channel in Pasadena. Since then, Formosan termites have been detected in 30 Texas counties. There have been reports of Formosan termite infestations in all the major metropolitan areas in Texas. Yep, that means where you live too!
Over the course of the past few years, BUGCO® Pest Control has seen a massive spike in Formosan termite infestations. While this may not seem like anything out of the norm because hey, we have always had termites right? Wrong.
What Can You Do?
BUGCO® Pest Control offers a full suite of services including the BUGCO® Pest Control Termite Pledge which includes detailed quarterly inspections with your general pest control service, a variety of treatment options and methods, and identification of conducive conditions. Contact us now for your inspection ad can provide the best option to suit your home, your business, and your budget.