Year-Round Mosquito Protection

BUGCO’s All-Season Mosquito Program Effective Mosquito Control for Texas Homes: The Benefits of Bi-Monthly Mosquito Program Generally, we think about Mosquito Control as a summer issue, however, we know better as warm weather can be present year-round and that means mosquitoes are year-round pests. As Texans, we know that cold weather can arguably be more […]

April Showers Bring May Mosquitos


April Showers Bring May Mosquitos Remember all the rain that fell in April? The May mosquitoes might be here, but you can control them. Local BUGCO® Pest Control offers state-of-the-art mosquito control options for residential homes, commercial businesses, HOAs, municipalities, industrial complexes, apartment complexes, and more. “Our mosquito misting systems are extremely popular with homeowners […]

How to Control Mosquitoes in Backyard

Control Mosquitoes

How to Control Mosquitoes Mosquitoes may be tiny creatures, but they can create a huge negative impact on your health. One bite from them can put you or your loved ones at risk of getting sick from diseases like the West Nile Virus. They fly from one location to the other, sucking the blood of […]

Fight the Bite Texas!

FIGHT THE BITE & Make the Bugs Go! Mosquito Truck Spraying As a rule of thumb, Mosquito Season and The Midnight Riders,  A Division of BUGCO® Pest Control begins our Mosquito Truck  Spraying Program, commonly known as Mosquito Abatement, for our City, HOA, and Community clients between March to April and goes through October to […]

Truck Mounted Mosquito Fogging – The Right Way

Truck Mounted Mosquito Fogging THE RIGHT WAY Everyone knows the distinct sound of the mosquito truck that rolls through the neighborhood in the middle of the night. If you look around the internet you will find memes of kids riding behind mosquito trucks in the 1970s & 1980s. While that was the norm back then […]

Saving money in the Texas heat

Saving money in the Texas heat Fendona CS helps BUGCO “get treatments right the first time” In most cities in Texas, pests like mosquitoes can be a nuisance from early March all the way through the first cold snap. For BUGCO Pest Control, which services Houston, Dallas and San Antonio, Texas, this means ample opportunities […]

In2Care Mosquito Traps

In2Care Mosquito Traps GET RID OF MOSQUITOES IN YOUR YARD BUGCO® Pest Control’s In2Care mosquito traps are a green and innovative way to control mosquitos this season when they are most active! It reduces and controls the mosquito population that transmits Zika and other diseases or parasites such as heartworms. The European Union gave a grant to […]

How Effective is Truck Mounted Mosquito Fogging?

How Effective isTRUCK MOUNTED MOSQUITO FOGGING – Hi, I’m Paul Sherwin, and I’m with Darrell Mather of BUGCO®, and today, we’re going to be talking about mosquito fogging effectiveness. Go ahead, Darrell. – The reason that the mosquito fogging, or the truck-mounted mosquito fogging is more effective is because how fine the particulate is, how […]

Backpack Fogging Knocks Down Flying Insects

Backpack Fogging Knocks Down Flying Insects BUGCO® Pest Control offers backpack fogging as a way to quickly knock down flying pests like mosquitoes, wasps, gnats, and others. It’s a way to clear your yard of these pests before holding an outdoor party or other outdoor events. Call BUGCO® Pest Control for more information. Darrell explains […]

When Humans Become the Pest

Mosquito Bar

When Humans Become the Pest It’s safe to say that we know how everyone feels about mosquitoes. They cause physical discomfort, carry a variety of diseases, and are just plain annoying with all the buzzing! Can you imagine what they have to say about us? We are just trying to mess up their good times. […]